...Construcție metalică, vopsită electrostatic în culoare mată. Rafturi din placaj sau lemn de înaltă calitate, care adaugă un farmec natural întregii compoziții.
Combinarea acestor materiale creează o compoziție elegantă, practică și solidă.
Stilul clasic al raftului îl face ideal pentru orice interior, de la saloane SPA moderne la magazine de cosmetice primitoare.
Avantajul raftului este expunerea...
Gondola Head Section
General Specification of Gondola Head Section
The end legs of the shelves have 30 x 70 x 2,00mm profile and 35 pitches, also on base it has adjustable ball joints. The background has 0,60mm thickness and it has nail for fitting, and those nails provides simplicity for installation.
The metal sheet shelves have 0,70mm thickness and it has support, the shelve arms have 2,5mm thickness and it has 3 nails. You may use the shelves as incline or flat and it fits the shelves easily.
It also has different colors option.
Shelf talkers are small yet impactful Point of Purchase (POP) display tools that attach to the edges of store shelves, effectively highlighting specific products, promotions, or discounts. Positioned directly at eye level, shelf talkers grab customer attention as they browse, making them ideal for driving impulse purchases and emphasizing special offers. These displays are particularly useful for communicating key product features, cross-selling opportunities, or limited-time deals. Shelf talkers are easy to update and customize, allowing retailers to keep their messaging fresh and relevant. By enhancing product visibility and guiding customer decisions, shelf talkers play a crucial role in boosting sales and improving the shopping experience.
Winkel in EN AW-6060 T66 (AlMgSi), EN AW-2024 T3 (AlCu4Mg1), EN AW-6063 (AlMg0,7Si)
Winkel eloxiert E6/C0 15 µ in EN AW-6060 T66 (AlMgSi)
Winkel eloxiert "Edelstahloptik" in EN AW-6060 T66 (AlMgSi)
Winkel beschichtet in RAL 9010 in EN AW-6060 T66 (AlMgSi)
Mannequins Shopping è uno specialista in Italia in arredamento negozi, vetrine e vetrinette, gondole, Espositori e Banconi, cubo, ma anche in manichino i busti sartoriale, Illuminazione per negozi e uffici, lampade, spot, Registratori di cassa e sistemi di sicurezza, grucce i stender di negozi, Shopper buste personalizzati. In questa sezione troverete i nostri manichini e più ancora i tutti scaffalature , gondole, espositori per negozi
A AMC Teixeira é especializada na produção e desenvolvimento de produtos descartáveis para o setor de confeitaria, utilizando materiais como papel, papelão e cartolina. Com mais de 25 anos de experiência, a empresa está comprometida com a inovação e a qualidade, oferecendo uma ampla gama de soluções personalizáveis para atender às diversas necessidades de seus clientes. Seus produtos são projetados para garantir segurança e higiene em contato com alimentos, tornando-os ideais para várias aplicações de confeitaria.
A empresa se orgulha de seus tempos de resposta e entrega rápidos, garantindo que até mesmo pedidos de última hora sejam atendidos prontamente. Os produtos da AMC Teixeira não são apenas funcionais, mas também esteticamente agradáveis, com opções de personalização para combinar com a marca de seus clientes. Essa dedicação à satisfação do cliente e à excelência do produto estabeleceu a AMC Teixeira como uma líder no mercado de produtos descartáveis para confeitaria.
Infusion CBD détente relaxation Citron Gingembre. Ne tardez plus pour découvrir ce cocktail explosif citron & gingembre ! La synergie de ces deux ingrédients détonnants nous procure à la fois un coup de boost et de détox. Pour un peu plus de gourmandise, vous pourrez y ajouter un peu de miel… Combo gagnant garanti. La Force tranquille. Le CBD favorise la détente et la relaxation. Il agit également comme anti-inflammatoire et antidouleur naturel. Goutez les infusions CBD Rest in tizz® by Stilla® 100% Françaises et biologiques AB! Les Boissons Rest In Tizz® sont des boissons au CBD (Cannabis Sativa L) 100% naturelles. Elles contiennent du chanvre BIO Français naturellement riche en CBD! « Rest In Tizz », provient du jeu de mot issu de la fameuse phrase “Rest In Peace” qui se traduit par “ repose en paix “et Tizz provient de Tiser, largement répandu chez les jeunes qui signifie boire.
Des thés et infusions CBD apaisantes pour te relaxer toute la journée.
We are delighted to introduce our Aion collection. Characterised by its details, natural materials, simplicity, easy dressing and that extra touch of elegance.
We specialize in the production of high-quality cotton bags designed for companies that want to combine practicality, durability, and ecological commitment. Our cotton bags, which are reusable and washable, provide a sustainable alternative to plastic bags. They are perfect for shopping, brand promotion, or as gift packaging and can be customized in size, color, and print. Each bag is made from 100% natural or organic cotton, offering an eco-friendly packaging solution that impresses with attractive design and high durability.
I Love Dior was a unique, refreshing, clean and delightful floral fragrance. It is a pity that Dior makes so many limited editions only to discontinue them 12.
Paper Tape Handle Carrier Bags are widely used nowadays. These paper bags are versatile and durable, making them ideal for carrying items such as clothing, shoes, cosmetics, gifts, and everyday purchases.
- Paper Tape Handle Carrier Bags
- Grab Bags
Paper Type:
- Bleached Greaseproof
- Bleached Kraft
- Brown Greaseproof
- Brown Kraft
- Recycled Brown Kraft
- FibreForm
- Glassine
- Plastic Coated Paper
Paper Weight:50-160gsm
Printing Options:Up to 4 colours in-line/Above 4 colours pre-printed
Width Dimensions:200mm-330mm
Gusset Dimensions:70mm-180mm
Height Dimensions:280mm-540mm
O sacoșă personalizată premium, dar economică, pentru magazine respectabile - Aplicabilitate: utilizat în principal în magazinele de textile și de încălțăminte.
Producție: sunt fabricate 100% automat cu aplicare controlată de adezivi industriali ecologici pe bază de apă.
Personalizare: se pot imprima la cel mai înalt nivel de calitate în până la 10 culori liniare și/sau policrome, inclusiv cele speciale: auriu, argintiu metalic cu cerneală ecologică pe bază de apă. Rezoluția de imprimare poate ajunge cu ușurință la 300 dpi.
Material: hârtie virgină albă sau kraft natur, sau cu un anumit procent de fibre reciclate, diverse grosimi (80-120 GSM), certificate FSC, EarthCare, ISO9001, ISO14001.
Dimensiuni: producem de obicei zece dimensiuni care sunt „cele mai vândute” atât pe piețele UE, cât și pe cele din SUA. Dimensiunea cel mai frecvent solicitată este 400 x 135 x 310 mm, care este ideală și pentru ambalarea cutiilor de pantofi.
Capacitate de producție: peste 100 de milioane de bucăți anual.
The CARDBOARD STAND is a versatile and eco-friendly display solution, perfect for showcasing products, brochures, or promotional materials. Made from high-quality, recyclable cardboard, this stand is lightweight yet sturdy, making it easy to assemble and transport. Its sleek design fits seamlessly into any retail or office environment, offering an effective and sustainable way to enhance your display needs.
Paper bags without handles to be used as grocery bags, sandwich bags and many other purposes.
Recyclable paper bags, 100% ecological.
Customized bags tailored to you.
A one-of-a-kind connecting system for premium, museum-quality showcases.
FRANK showcases feature prominently in the world’s premier museums, where they protect the most prized objects history has left humankind to preserve. And with good reason: ”It’s what’s inside that counts.” This conviction of ours is reflected in a peerless, purist design that puts the object first, without neglecting function. A FRANK showcase satisfies the most discriminating expectations of great museums across the globe.
The FRANK showcase system features our unrivaled slide-in technology. It requires no screws or gaskets for dustproof and airtight storage and preservation. Simply insert the inconspicuous aluminum strips into the grooves machined in the edges of the panels. No wider than the two eight-millimeter panels’ connecting joint, these slim extrusions are flush with the surface when installed.
Discover the world of Rapid Prototyping with EWOQE! As a leading B2B partner at the highest industrial level, we use 3D printing to revolutionize traditional manufacturing methods. Our focus is on quickly and precisely manufacturing components, not to replace existing production processes but to complement them.
With our deep understanding of the possibilities offered by 3D printing, we provide innovative solutions for complex geometries and customized designs. Through continuous investments in research and development, we remain at the forefront of this technology, always offering our clients top-notch services.
Our range of services includes the creation of 3D models, the manufacturing of prototypes and small series, as well as the production of final products. From high-quality plastic parts to design and model making, we are your reliable partner for all your Rapid Prototyping needs.
Origine unique : Les gousses de vanille bio de Madagascar proviennent des plantations situées dans les régions fertiles de Madagascar. Le climat tropical, le sol riche et la passion des producteurs contribuent à la qualité exceptionnelle de cette vanille, qui bénéficie d'une réputation internationale.
2. Qualité biologique : Les gousses de vanille sont cultivées selon des normes biologiques rigoureuses, sans utilisation de pesticides ou d'engrais chimiques. Cela garantit un produit pur, respectueux de l'environnement et préservant les arômes naturels et les bienfaits de la vanille.
3. Arôme délicat : Les gousses de vanille bio de Madagascar offrent un arôme délicat, à la fois floral, sucré et légèrement boisé. Leur parfum envoûtant apporte une dimension sensorielle unique à vos préparations culinaires.
Origine:Madagascar - Region SAVA
Notes aromatiques:cacaotée, caramélisée
Longeur des gousses:14 à 16 cm
In every supermarket, shop, fair or exhibition, our carrier bags do not only guarantee the safe and comfortable transport of the goods, but also serve as perfect communication media.
If used several times, our extremely robust, reusable, tear-resistant and 100% recyclable carrier bags have a much better life cycle assessment than a paper bag. The patch handle of our shopping bags can be reinforced so that the bags are suited also for heavy weights.
From small series to large production, our carrier bags can be printed in Full HD quality.
We would be pleased to give you advice about our carrier bags. We look forward to your inquiry by mail or by phone: +49 (0)9181/2960-0!
Les infusions Stevia en vrac ou sachet proposent une alternative saine et sans calorie aux édulcorants artificiels, idéale pour ceux cherchant à réduire leur consommation de sucre tout en savourant une douceur naturelle.
Découvrez la douceur naturelle de l'infusion concentrée 100% stévia et transformez vos boissons et recettes avec ce produit sain, bio et naturel.
Le Gelaterie sprecano dai 3.000 ai 7.000 euro di acqua ogni anno per raffreddare i macchinari: la torre di raffreddamento per gelaterie Economax fa crollare l’utilizzo di acqua di vetrine, mantecatori e pastorizzatori di gelaterie artigianali. Soluzione compatta, silenziosa, amica dell’ambiente.
Incredibili risparmi d’acqua:Fino al 95% sulla bolletta della gelateria.
Ingombri ridotti:Ideale per spazi ristretti e laboratori di gelateria.
Rapido pay-back:Pre-selezione insieme al cliente, basata sulla sua esigenza di progetto.